It provides users with an amazing collection of apps they will use on a daily basis as it allows your Mac and iOS devices to work wonderfully together.
#How to download yosemite for mac mac os x
Mac OS X Yosemite is designed to be as easy to use as it is beautiful to look at. The Finder and Dock are loaded with new, flatter-looking icons, more redolent of iOS 8, while subtle, soft window-translucency effects further reiterate the mobile look. You get to discover this as soon as you boot up the new OS. Yosemite comes as a free update available from the App Store for all Macs dating back to 2007 iMacs and MacBook Pro models with a strong emphasis laid on the mobile side of things, the idea being to make the Mac a better partner to Apple’s mobile devices. It has neatly side-stepped the problem of knowing the next available OS update for you after 10.9 by repudiating the use of numbers altogether, except in some geekier parts of the OS like System Information, where Yosemite is referred to as OS X 10.10. Apple Mac OS X Yosemite - Скачать Apple Mac OS X Yosemite, версия 10.10.2